Gasoline-powered water jetters are very popular for their portability, versatility and ability to take a beating in the field. Despite their ruggedness, industry pros living in drier climates in high elevations or desert areas with low humidity face several unique challenges when it comes to keeping their gas jets in tiptop shape. Michael Nalbone, a General rep living in Arizona, has seen it all and explains how to overcome two of the biggest issues with owning a gas plumbing jetter in these climates and get the most of out of your machine.

Issue Number One – The Jet Won’t Start
Arizona primarily experiences low humidity for a majority of the year and high temperatures for several months. For those who use gasoline-powered jets, this presents a problem. Under these conditions, the unit usually sits for weeks at a time. When this happens, the fuel evaporates from the carburetor, leaving deposits in the cylinders and the throat of the carburetor. As a result, the jet will not start, or at best, run poorly.
To help resolve this issue, install a shut-off valve as near as possible to the fuel line next to the carburetor. When the drain lines are clear, leave the nozzle at least five feet in the clean out access and then shut off the fuel and let the machine run until the engine stops. This will keep the carburetor and the cylinders free from any gunk or debris.
You might ask, “Why does the factory not install a shut-off valve in the fuel line?” The answer is that Arizona’s climate, and high elevation or desert areas like it, is harsher than the rest of the country. Therefore, states in more humid and less dry climates do not experience this problem.
Issue Number Two – Hard Water
Arizona water sources are full of deposits of various harsh chemicals. The jetter pump has ceramic parts to provide more longevity under high-pressure use. The harsh water conditions leave deposits when the unit is idled for a week or more at a time. This shortens the life of the pump and reduces efficiency.
The solution? Use antifreeze to protect the pump and the rest of the internal unit between drain-line clearings. For the portable units, just recycle the antifreeze into a sealable container while jetting the drains. For the trailer unit, use the built-in reservoir to provide antifreeze while the unit is idled.
General Pipe Cleaners offers a full line of powerful and easy-to-use gas water jetters. The JM-2900 is an economical alternative to larger jets, as it is lighter and more maneuverable. However, it maintains the same pressure and flow rate of its big brothers, such as the JM-3000. For more cleaning power, try the JM-3055, JM-3080 gas jets or JM-2512 trailer jet.
Contact the Drain Brains® at General at 800-245-6200 or by email [email protected].
See all of General’s jet drain cleaning machines here for powerful water-based drain cleaning and clearing action on difficult pipe clogs. You can also watch our sales video catalog on all our Jet-Set water jetters and see them in-action. Lastly, if you have further questions on these drain cleaning machines or ANY of our innovative plumbing tools and equipment for pro use, please don’t hesitate to contact us today and we’ll get back to you quickly! Discover where to buy General Pipe Cleaners’ products in your general vicinity via this link, please.